The Ocean Hackathon is a competition where different teams tackle ocean related challenges and build their solutions with a focus on sustainable development. In this year’s sixth edition, the Ocean Hackathon has been hosted in 15 different cities around the globe, including San Fernando, Cádiz.
One of the challenges presented was Smart Shipping, promoted by David Gómez-Ullate. This project aims to optimize marine shipping routes by a smart usage of oceanographic and weather data, including sea currents, waves and winds. With Smart Shipping, sea journeys can become safer and more enviromentally friendly. To some readers, the project may ring a bell, and that is because a less refined version of this challenge was already tackled by our researchers during last year’s Ocean Hackathon, and was awarded third prize! [Link to post]
In this edition, our project gathered even more members, both from UCA Datalab (Daniel Precioso, Javier Jiménez, Francisco Amor, David Peña) and Komorebi AI (David Gordo, Víctor Gallego, Alberto Torres, Manuel Navarro). They team showed excellent cooperation and had all the skills required to build an astounding project during the 48 hour duration of the Hackathon. Readers can watch their presentation during the finals in the video below:
We are proud to announce that te team earned the first place! The prize includes a travel to Brest (France) to participate in the Finale of the Ocean Hackathon 2021, on December 15th. More news to come next month!