Prof. David Gómez-Ullate Oteiza
UCA Datalab Coordinator
David Gómez Ullate is Distinguished Researcher at Universidad de Cádiz since 2018, and Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics on leave from Universidad Complutense. During the period 2014-2018 he was also research staff at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (ICMAT) in Madrid.
His research interests lie in mathematical physics, modelling of complex systems, and applying data science and machine learning to solve real world problems. Jack of all trades, he enjoys facing new problems and cross fertilization among disciplines. During the past years he has lead R+D projects with industrial partners on fraud detection in electronic payments, sales and CTR prediction in precision marketing, trajectory prediction for drifting buoys for the fishing industry and natural language processing for text mining on legal documents, as well as research projects funded by the Royal Society, Spanish MINECO and BBVA Foundation (Beca Leonardo). He has authored more than 50 research papers, some of them among the most cited in their field and achieving international prizes. Besides research and transfer of knowledge activities, he is Adjunct Professor at IE Business School.