Tomorrow begins the Doctoral Consortium in Computer Science (JIPII 2021) in Escuela Superior de Ingeniería of Cádiz University. It is a meeting forum where advances in the PhD theses under development in the Doctoral Program in Computer Science are presented. Many of UCA Datalab Phd students are participating, including:
- Daniel Precioso, who will present the Sustainable Fishing project, where we apply Data Science and Machine Learning to study the fish abundance in the ocean.
- Jorge Johanny Sáenz will talk about how we can improve the efficiency of macro-data processing by using the focal plane.
- Blas Salvador is presenting Neocam, a system that applies Computer Vision to monitor premature newborns and raises alerts in the presence of anomalies.
- Andrés Millán-Alcaide will talk about the development of hybrid positioning systems within smart industries. This research applies Internet of Things.
- David Peña Morales, who will present a Multi-Objective Optimization Model for Sustainable Urban Transportation that ensures the quality of service.
The presentations will be held online, starting by 10 am (UTC), and can be publicly accessed by this following link. We hope to see you in the online room tomorrow!