Dr. Clemente Rubio Manzano
Computational Intelligence
Clemente got a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Castilla-La Mancha in 2011 where he was a member of the DEC-TAU. He was the head of the SOMOS Research Group. He is curretly a member of UCADATALAB and MCIS reseach groups from University of Cadiz. He is also a member of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology.
From a research point of view, he has participated as principal investigator in two research projects and as research assistant in several ones more. He has publicated in ISI journals, namely, Human-Computer Studies , Fuzzy Sets and Systems, AI Communications, Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems and Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. He has written some chapter of books (Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Computational Intelligence series) and participated at several international/national conferences (FUZZ-IEEE, PPDP-ACM). Additional, he has been rewier for some ISI journals (IEEE Computational Intelligence magazine, Applied SofComputing and IEEE Access)
From an academic point of view, he has been an assistant professor at the University of Bio-Bio from 2011: Artificial Intelligence (BsC) , Advanced Data strucures and algorithms (MsC) and Computer Games Programming (MsC) subjects.