Francisco Javier Badesa


Francisco Javier Badesa Clemente received the MSc degree in telecommunications Engineering (2008) and the PhD in Industrial and Telecommunication Technologies (2014) at the Miguel Hernández University in Elche. His main research topics are the development of robotic systems for medical purposes, and biomedical signal processing. Since 2010 he has been involved in several national and european projects focused in rehabilitation and assistive robotics, developing algorithms and techniques for the estimation of the affective state and the intention of movement to maximize the patient’s motivation in order to improve the quality of the therapy.
He has published 25 JCR articles and is co-inventor of the patent “Robotic Modular and Self-Adaptive Device for Rehabilitation of the Hand and Procedure of Use”. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at University of Cadiz, and he is developing robotic solutions for both industry 4.0 and medical purposes.