Data Science for efficient and sustainable fishing

This project addresses the development and improvement of information technologies used by the fishing industry, specifically echo sounder measurements taken by drift buoys to identify fish species and data from fishing captures at each buoy. The thesis project is part of a scientific collaboration that involves two companies (Komorebi AI and Satlink), the organization that represents the spanish tuna fishing fleet (OPAGAC) and the Spanish Institute of Oceanography. The proposed research aims to apply advanced techniques in statistics, data science and artificial intelligence to extract value from the above datasets. We have at our disposal tens of thousands of daily measurements from the drifting buoys that can be used in a very innovative study on fish abundance (specially pelagic tuna species) in the ocean, which is a key element towards ensuring the sustainability of fishing activities. The high value and singularity of the databases at our disposal for this project, together with the qualification of all the partners in the project, guarantee a broad interdisciplinary research. The project entails not only technology transfer to the industrial sector, but also first class innovative research, thus achieving a two-way sinergic feedback. Some of the topics addressed in the project will have an impact beyond the academic scope, and they will improve the operation of the fishing fleet through a reduction of pollutant residues and emissions, fuel savings and reduced operations costs.
Contract art.83 between Satlink & UCA
Team: 6 researchers
Duration: apr 2019 – jul 2020
Quantity: 84.700€
IP: D. Gómez-Ullate