Lionel C Gontard, R Carmona-Galán, A Rodríguez-Vázquez. “Cellular-Neural-Network Focal-Plane Processor as Pre-Processor for ConvNet Inference” inIEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). 2020 – Accepted.
Roberto Magán-Carrión, Daniel Urda, Ignacio Díaz-Cano and Bernabé Dorronsoro, “Towards a reliable comparison and evaluation of Network IDS based on machine learning approaches,” in Applied Sciences (MDPI), vol. XX, pp. YY–YY. January 2020. (IF: 2.217, Q2) – Under Review
Roberto Magán-Carrión, Ángel Ruíz-Zafra and Daniel Urda, “Towards the integration of security solutions: swarm intelligence for resilient Mobile Ad hoc Networks” in International Conference on Optimization and Learning (OLA2020), Cádiz (Spain), February 2020.
Lionel C Gontard, MÁ Cauqui, MP Yeste, D Ozkaya, JJ Calvino. Accurate 3D Characterization of Catalytic Bodies Surface by Scanning Electron Microscopy. ChemCatChem 11 (14), 3171-3177, 2019.
Lionel C Gontard, J Pizarro, I Benavente-Fernández, SP Lubián-López S.P. (2019) Automatic Measurement of the Volume of Brain Ventricles in Preterm Infants from 3D Ultrasound Datasets. In: Tavares J., Natal Jorge R. (eds) VipIMAGE 2019. VipIMAGE 2019. Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics, vol 34. Springer, Cham., ISBN: 978-3-030-32039-3.
RC Galán, Lionel C Gontard, Electron sensor for electron microscopy – US Patent App. 16/315,037, 2019.
R. Magán-Carrión, G. Maciá-Fernández, J. Camacho and A. Ruíz-Zafra, “MSNM-S: An Applied Network Monitoring Tool for Anomaly Detection in Complex Networks and Systems,” in International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (SAGE), vol. XX, pp. YY–YY. December 2019. (IF: 1.614, Q2) – Under mayor revision (Pre-print at
Lionel C Gontard, A Barroso-Bogeat, RE Dunin-Borkowski and JJ Calvino. A single slice approach for simulating two-beam electron diffraction of nanocrystals. Ultramicroscopy 195, 171-188.
Lionel C Gontard, M Batista, J Salguero and JJ Calvino. Three-dimensional chemical mapping using non-destructive SEM and photogrammetry. Scientific reports 8 (1), 11000.
FJR Mejías, M López-Haro, Lionel C Gontard, A Cala, M Fernández-Aparicio, JMG Molinillo, JJ Calvino, FA Macías. A Novel Electron Microscopic Characterization of Core/Shell Nanobiostimulator Against Parasitic Plants. ACS applied materials & interfaces 10(3), 2354-2359.
G. Maciá-Fernández, J. Camacho, R. Magán-Carrión, P. García-Teodoro and R. Theron, “UGR’16: A New Dataset for the Evaluation of Cyclostationarity-Based Network IDSs,” in Computer & Security (Elsevier), vol. 73, pp. 411–424. March 2018. (IF: 2.849, Q2)
R. Magán-Carrión and B. Dorronsoro. “On the Way of Protecting MANETs Against Security Threats: A Proactive Approach,” en Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Complexity: The PAAMS Collection, Toledo (España), pp. 331–334, junio 2018.
Lionel C Gontard, JD López-Castro, L González-Rovira, JM Vázquez-Martínez, FM Varela-Feria, M Marcos, JJ Calvino. Assessment of engineered surfaces roughness by high-resolution 3D SEM photogrammetry. Ultramicroscopy 177 (2017) 106–114
Lionel C Gontard, J Cintas, R E. Dunin-Borkowski The benefit of thresholding carbon layers in electron tomographic
tilt series by intensity downshifting. Journal of Microscopy, Vol. 265, Issue 3 2017,298-306.
R. Magán-Carrión, J. Camacho, P. García-Teodoro, E. Feo Flushing and G.A Di Caro, “A Dynamical Relay Node placement Solution in MANETs,” in Computer Communications (Elsevier), vol. 114, pp. 36–50, October 2017. (IF: 3.338, Q1)
R. Theron, R. Magán-Carrión, J. Camacho and G. Maciá-Fernández. “Network-Wide Intrusion Detection Supported by Multivariate Analysis and Interactive Visualization,” in 14th IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec 2017), Phoenix, Arizona (US), Octubre 2017.